“Thinkalkalaman” is a captivating Malayalam family drama series that airs on Surya TV. The show follows the life of Keerthi, a passionate dancer, as she embarks on an emotional quest to find her long-lost mother. Along the way, she becomes entangled in a love triangle with two siblings, Rahul and Roshan, who have contrasting personalities.
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Thingalkkalaman by K Radhika
MLFINO-ThiKal-001 “Thinkalkalaman” is a captivating Malayalam family drama series that airs on Surya TV. The show follows the life of Keerthi, a passionate dancer, as she embarks on an emotional quest to find her long-lost mother. Along the way, she becomes entangled in a love triangle with two siblings, Rahul and Roshan, who have contrasting personalities.
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