

“Raavum Pakalum” is a captivating Malayalam novel written by M. Mukundan. The story revolves around the people in Chavukara, who were caught under the influence of a foreigner named Kalammuppan, and the protagonist of the novel, Anandan. This book delves into human emotions, relationships, and the impact of unexpected events.

M. Mukundan is one of the pioneers of modernity in Malayalam literature. Born on September 10, 1942, in Mahe, a one-time French territory in Kerala, he has authored several novels and short story collections. His works often reflect his native village of Mayyazhi (Mahe) and explore themes of life, love, and resilience.

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“Raavum Pakalum” is a captivating Malayalam novel written by M. Mukundan. The story revolves around the people in Chavukara, who were caught under the influence of a foreigner named Kalammuppan, and the protagonist of the novel, Anandan. This book delves into human emotions, relationships, and the impact of unexpected events.

M. Mukundan is one of the pioneers of modernity in Malayalam literature. Born on September 10, 1942, in Mahe, a one-time French territory in Kerala, he has authored several novels and short story collections. His works often reflect his native village of Mayyazhi (Mahe) and explore themes of life, love, and resilience.


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