“Gallant” by V.E. Schwab is a captivating novel that falls under the genre of fantasy, young adult, horror fiction, paranormal, gothic, and mystery. Set in a world where everything casts a shadow, the story revolves around Olivia Prior, who grew up in Merilance School for girls. Armed with her mother’s unraveling journal, Olivia receives an unexpected invitation to come home—to Gallant. However, when she arrives, no one is expecting her. Determined to uncover the secrets of Gallant, Olivia discovers a place that is both familiar and otherworldly. The manor crumbles, ghouls haunt the hallways, and a mysterious figure rules over all. As Olivia unravels her family’s past, she faces a choice: protect our world against the Master of the House or stand beside him.
Gallant by V.E.Schwab
“Gallant” by V.E. Schwab is a captivating novel that falls under the genre of fantasy, young adult, horror fiction, paranormal, gothic, and mystery. Set in a world where everything casts a shadow, the story revolves around Olivia Prior, who grew up in Merilance School for girls. Armed with her mother’s unraveling journal, Olivia receives an unexpected invitation to come home—to Gallant. However, when she arrives, no one is expecting her. Determined to uncover the secrets of Gallant, Olivia discovers a place that is both familiar and otherworldly. The manor crumbles, ghouls haunt the hallways, and a mysterious figure rules over all. As Olivia unravels her family’s past, she faces a choice: protect our world against the Master of the House or stand beside him.
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