Bhramanam by P. Ayyaneth



“Bhramanam” is a captivating Malayalam novel written by P. Ayyaneth. The story revolves around Sunandha, who initially lived a life filled with dreams but circumstances eventually led her down a path where she became a killer. Ayyaneth’s narrative skillfully explores the complexities of human emotions and the impact of life’s twists and turns.

The novel takes readers on a journey through Sunandha’s experiences, unraveling secrets, and delving into the depths of her psyche. As the plot unfolds, readers are drawn into a web of suspense, morality, and unexpected choices.

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“Bhramanam” is a captivating Malayalam novel written by P. Ayyaneth. The story revolves around Sunandha, who initially lived a life filled with dreams but circumstances eventually led her down a path where she became a killer. Ayyaneth’s narrative skillfully explores the complexities of human emotions and the impact of life’s twists and turns.

The novel takes readers on a journey through Sunandha’s experiences, unraveling secrets, and delving into the depths of her psyche. As the plot unfolds, readers are drawn into a web of suspense, morality, and unexpected choices.


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