AZHEEKODINTE ATHMAKADHA (The Autobiography of Azhikode) is a Malayalam book by Sukumar Azhikode, a renowned writer, critic and orator, known for his contributions to Malayalam language and insights on Indian philosophy. The book is a collection of memoirs and reflections on his life, works, and experiences. The book also provides insights into the history, culture, and politics of Kerala and India.
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MLNFAB-AzhAtKad-001 AZHEEKODINTE ATHMAKADHA (The Autobiography of Azhikode) is a Malayalam book by Sukumar Azhikode, a renowned writer, critic and orator, known for his contributions to Malayalam language and insights on Indian philosophy. The book is a collection of memoirs and reflections on his life, works, and experiences. The book also provides insights into the history, culture, and politics of Kerala and India.
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